Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tip 2 - Seasonal maintenance on your furnace

Yearly furnace maintenance is important to keep your furnace running efficiently. For complex preventive maintenance, schedule a reliable maintenance and repair expert to perform complex tasks such as cleaning the combustion chamber and burners, and check the carbon monoxide level. Here in the Atlanta area, I have used Logan’s heating and air. They have been in business since 1987. They do have yearly maintenance packages and their prices are very reasonable. Visit the website at loganair.com.

Performing quarterly maintenance on your system is simple and it shouldn’t take you any more than a few minutes. If you have a gas furnace, just follow these simple steps, and grab the following items:

a screwdriver

a new air filter

soft bristled radiator brush

vacuum or shop vac

eye protection and paper filter mask

Step 1-Turn off the gas and electricity to your unit. Normally the gas valve is located nearby, and the power switch is on the furnace or somewhere close.


Step 2- Open the furnace door. With your vac having a crevice attachment, vacuum out the base of the furnace and around the gas burners. Clean out any loose dust or debris from all crevices.

Step 3- The filter can either be located in the furnace next to the blower unit or located between the blower and the return air duct. You may need a screwdriver to help pry open the access panel or blower door.


If you have metal filter, you can clean it with a hose or a blast of compressed air (like from the air pump at your local gas station). Then go to your local hardware store or home center and buy the spray-on chemical designed for your filter (specifications are usually on the filter frame). Follow the manufacturer's directions for re-coating.

If your filter is the paper-type, buy a new one. Before replacing that dirty air filter; ensure that your replacement filter is the correct size. Replacing your air filter is big part of seasonal maintenance, if your paper filter is dirty do not attempt to vac it or wash it, just replace it!


Step 4- Replace the furnace cover and turn the electrical power and the gas back on. If it is necessary to relight the pilot light, follow the instructions which are usually on the cover panel of the furnace.

Step 5- Check the registers in all rooms. Remove the register covers to make sure there are no objects or dirt that might block the flow of air. Vacuum the register covers and with your radiator brush, gently sweep out the inside of the ducts as far as you can reach to remove accumulated dust and debris(wear your eye protection and filter mask). Depending how much dust you have, you may have to have a professional come and clean out all ducts in the home.

Make sure rugs, furniture and draperies are pulled away from the registers so the air flows freely into the rooms. That’s it! Your quarterly maintenance is done!

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