Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tip 1 - the tool kit

Hi I am back again! Here is tip number 1... Have a well stocked tool set for small jobs around the house! How does this help with home maintenance? You need the basic tools to do the simplest tasks around the house, DUH! Just recently a friend of mine asked me to help her hang a set of curtains in the bathroom. When I asked her for a screwdriver, she searched all over the house looking for anything that remotely resembled a screwdriver. After about 30 minutes of searching envelope packed drawers, and closets piled high with boxes, she came to me with these teeny tiny tools that only Papa Smurf can use! But that’s OK, we managed with some tools I had in my truck. Check out my video at and stand by for my list of tools that every home tool kit should have! See ya!

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