Your major appliances are not just the refrigerator, dishwasher, washer/dryer and stove. But also look at your furnace, water heater, and A/C unit as major appliances.

Brand new or used, write down the serial number of your appliance on the owner’s manual that came with the appliance (if the serial number is not already printed on the manual or warranty card), and keep it along with the warranty card in a safe place. If you don’t have the owner’s manual for a specific appliance, contact the manufacturer, or look it up on line at manualsonline.com
I searched the web for sites that you can download appliance manuals and the best one I could find is manualsonline. I looked up 6 of my household items on manualsonline and so far I only could retrieve 1 manual (good thing I did keep the hard copies). But don't let this discourage you. Manualsonline is still a cool tool to use to maintain your appliance records on line, and if you can't find the manual you are looking for, you can have on line discussions or email manualsonline about your item. You can even upload and share your manuals with other members. Oh... and the best thing about manualsonline is the membership is free!

Brand new or used, write down the serial number of your appliance on the owner’s manual that came with the appliance (if the serial number is not already printed on the manual or warranty card), and keep it along with the warranty card in a safe place. If you don’t have the owner’s manual for a specific appliance, contact the manufacturer, or look it up on line at manualsonline.com
I searched the web for sites that you can download appliance manuals and the best one I could find is manualsonline. I looked up 6 of my household items on manualsonline and so far I only could retrieve 1 manual (good thing I did keep the hard copies). But don't let this discourage you. Manualsonline is still a cool tool to use to maintain your appliance records on line, and if you can't find the manual you are looking for, you can have on line discussions or email manualsonline about your item. You can even upload and share your manuals with other members. Oh... and the best thing about manualsonline is the membership is free!
Manualsonline isn’t just for appliances, but for many of your household items.
If your household items are brand new, start a home maintenance log/schedule to keep tract of scheduled maintenance, repair costs, warranties, etc. If you purchased used appliances and there are no history reports... start one!
If your household items are brand new, start a home maintenance log/schedule to keep tract of scheduled maintenance, repair costs, warranties, etc. If you purchased used appliances and there are no history reports... start one!